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From ICR, we commemorate this great day.


This past June 23, we celebrated the International Women in Engineering Day. Since 2014, thanks to the Women's Engineering Society (WES), this date was established to recognize the contributions of women in a traditionally male field such as engineering. This day not only allows us to remember and celebrate all those women who throughout history have contributed to this field, but also serves as a source of inspiration and role model for all those women who want to be part of this essential profession for social development.


At ICR we strongly believe in equal opportunities. Which is why we want to take opportunity during this celebration to give visibility and congratulate both our female engineers at ICR and all women engineers around the world.


We celebrate this day, yet we also acknowledge that we still have a long way to go, so let's continue shaping a path towards a more equitable engineering.




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Tags: EngineeringDay, EnhancedByEngineering, INWED24