ICR presented the "Identification of subsystems in a tilt-rotor" at the 2022 ISMA Congress that took place in Leuven, Belgium from 12 to 14 September.
Piano Project Explanation
In the framework of the PIANO project, ICR is performing the vibrating characterization of a rotor tilt through ATPA technology. To do this, a subdivision is required in subsystems.
The work presented in ISMA2022 includes the implementation of a new strategy identifiying the subsystem based on the cooncept of path, using the matrix of the direct transfer fuction and its powers. This approach allows estimating the coupling force between subsystems.
The ISMA Congress (International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering) is the 30th international conference composed of a series of annual courses and biennial conferences, on structural dynamics, modal tests and noise and vibration engineering, organized by the Mecanical Engineering Department of KU Leuven. This years, 2022, it took place in Belgium. We, ICR, had the opportunity to presentated the Piano Project, whihc consist in the characterization a plane rotor tilt.
Moreover, these are the following topics discussed at the ISMA2022 conference:
- Acoustic Test
- Active noise vibration control
- Aeroacoustics and flow noise
- Automobile Noise and Vibration (NVH)
- Damage detection and status tracking
- Damping
- Modal Test: practical cases and methods
- Model Correlation and Update
- Tracking and Diagnosis of Rotary Machines
- Multibody Dynamics and Control
Our team
The ones responsible for presenting the project were our vibroacoustics engineers, Esther Cierco and Amadeu Segura.
Our team presented:
- Noise control in HVAC systems with ultra-low frequency (UTLF) absorbers (verbal presentation on Wednesday 14). This was part of our participation in the European Project TRANSIT (www.transit-prj.eu).
- Identification of subsystems in a tilt rotor (posterous presentation on Monday 12). That was our contribution to the European PIANO project. You can query the web at the following link: (www.piano-project.eu).
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