Inversion model

The theory of the inversion model is based on a Bayesian interpretation of the cause and effect relationship in a system. It establishes the probability that a known response is caused by a sequence of assumed sources. Inversion model is a technique developed in the geophysics framework in the pursuit of modelling the earth's interior from seismic data. The application of this technique in various industrial cases provides answers to two common problems, both scientific and practical.


On the one hand, this method allows the identification and characterisation of the different noise sources and their contribution to each point of the acoustic field. This enables interventions to be carried out on the primary sources in order to reduce it. Moreover, it is also a non-intrusive technique, which minimally interferes with the operation of the plant under study. All this within a very reasonable period of time.


ICR has developed proprietary computational tools for the study of the inverse problem that include optimization, resampling and stability analysis techniques to ensure the validity of the solutions obtained.




The application of the technology was the development of a methodology based on the inverse problem for a research project under contract to Ferrari Auto. Our acoustics specialists successfully determined the contribution of the different elements to the interior cabin noise. Their findings were in the mid- and high-frequency range.

The proposal which our engineers administered allowed Ferrari Auto to reduce the process of obtaining the acoustic power of the cabin's interior surfaces from 30 days to 2-3 days.



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