ICR has been able to adapt to the needs of the market, and works actively for the wind power sector, focusing on carrying out a complete acoustic control and measuring vibrations in wind turbines according to the regulations.


Working procedure
ICR acts in each of the implementation phases of a wind farm; from the design phase of the wind turbines until its completion with the wind farm in operation. The aim is to obtain real estimates of the future acoustic and vibratory behaviour of the mechanisms, to prevent noise and vibration problems and to carry out a complete acoustic control in order to be able to evaluate the environmental acoustic impact generated by the operation of an already built park.

ICR also provides specific courses for wind turbine manufacturers and those responsible for planning, managing and building wind farms. ICR has developed absolutely innovative methods for the application of OMA in wind turbines.


Some of the services offered are:
- Evaluation of the environmental noise impact of a wind farm according to regulations.
- Modal analysis of the wind turbine.
- Vibration measurement in wind turbine equipment according to customer specifications.
- Analysis of the transmission routes of noise from wind turbine equipment.
- Simulation of sound pressure level maps.
- Finite Elements (FEM) and Contour Elements (BEM).
- Training.
- Vibration measurements according to VDI regulations.


+ Complete course specializing in an Environmental Impact Assessment in a wind farm. Vestas.
+ Environmental impact study prior to the operation of a future wind farm. Gamesa Corporación Tecnológica S.A.
+ Performing an Experimental Modal Analysis (EMA) of the rear frame of the prototype wind turbine. Alstom Wind.
+Assessment of the acoustic impact of a wind farm. Gamesa Corporación Tecnológica S. A..
+Sonometry and Analysis of Transmission Paths of the cooling noise of a wind turbine. Alstom Wind.