Project 13: Research Project in the wind energy sector – InVent (2011 – 2012)
In 2009, Ecotecnia Energías Renovables (currently GE) assigned ICR the development of a project to automate the process of analysing vibration modes of wind turbines, by means of OMA (Operational Modal Analysis) technology. This work was carried out within the framework of a research project, funded by ACCIÓ, so-called "Projecte InVent".
Ecotecnia was interested in using such techniques to identify the vibration responses of wind turbines, in order to obtain reliable numerical models and also to be able to predict the real response during operation. In other words, they wanted to define a methodology to automate the detection of wind turbine eigen modes, based on real measurements carried out during operation, and thus be able to optimise the design of future prototypes.
ICR was in charge of the design and definition of the protocol to carry out the operational modal analysis on two wind turbine prototypes: the ECO100 and the ECO110. As part of the job, a specific software was developed, which incorporated the possibility of automating OMA procedure from time records, and of generating diagrams of the wind turbine eigen frequencies evolution, depending on the wind speed. The software was custom made for the client.
Once the OMA functionality of the software was validated, an extension was also implemented in order to apply the ODS method (Operational Deflection Mode). The integration of the ODS into the InVent software allowed the client to perform calculations in the temporal and frequency domain, as well as to visualise the behaviour of the eigen modes of the wind turbines with animations.
Finally, once the modal analysis procedure was defined and the validation protocols implemented, a bespoke training course was held to the Ecotecnia team of engineers concerning the understanding of the protocols implemented and the use of the software.