Project 11: Vibro-Acoustic study of the ALBA Synchrotron – Master de Ingeniería, S.A. (2005 –2010).

Do you know what a Synchrotron is?


A Synchrotron is a scientific infrastructure that uses electromagnetic fields to accelerate electrons at high speeds, very close to that of light, thus producing synchrotron light.  This light permits the visualization of the internal structure of materials and the study of their properties.


ICR undertook several studies during the design of the ALBA Synchrotron, a circular particle accelerator, located in Cerdanyola del Vallés (Barcelona). The most important in the Mediterranean area.


The first work was undertaken in 2005, before the construction of the ALBA Synchrotron. The dynamic physical parameters of the terrain that would house the ALBA synchrotron were obtained experimentally in order to generate a finite element model to simulate the propagation of surface vibration waves in the critical area. For this purpose, the SASW method (Spectral Analysis of Surface Waves) was applied to determine the dynamic parameters of the terrain and the Nakamura method to determine the depth in which the bedrock was located. Once these parameters were determined, a numerical model was generated to design a massive concrete slab system to isolate the synchrotron critical zone, from external incoming vibrations (nearby industry, road traffic, auxiliary equipment of the buildings in the complex that form the Synchrotron, etc.). A prediction of the noise levels inside the critical area was also carried out, due to the noise produced by the auxiliary equipment. The calculation was performed using the ray tracing method based on a three-dimensional acoustic model of the space. Based on the results obtained, and following the previously established acoustic design criteria, a series of solutions were proposed to meet each and every design objective.


Once the entire infrastructure of the Synchrotron was in the construction phase, ICR conducted onsite measurements to check and verify the correct assembly and operation of the designed slab. This work was carried out in 2008.


Finally, between 2009 and 2010, the noise and vibration levels of the auxiliary equipment installed at the Synchrotron were studied. Likewise, different anti-vibration solutions were designed and the work supervised for its correct implementation.


Today, after its tenth anniversary, the ALBA Synchrotron continues to operate at full capacity.


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