Project 10: Vibro-acoustic study of diesel-powered trains – CAF (2004-2007)

The basque company CAF (Construcciones y Auxiliar de Ferrocarriles), headquartered in Beasáin, has been trusting ICR for technical collaboration in the field of noise and vibrations for more than 20 years.


One of the most relevant projects that ICR has carried out with CAF began in 2004 and lasted until 2007. In this project the Northern Ireland Railways (NIR) type S/3000 trains were studied, along with the ADR S/598 trains from Renfe.


The project consisted in the analysis of the noise and vibrations generated in the different types of trains mentioned above (S/3000 and ADR S/598), studying mainly the diesel engine system.


The measurements carried out allowed ICR to analyse the dynamic behaviour of the engines, by carrying out noise and vibration tests on several points of the train, simultaneously. Experimental techniques such as EMA (Experimental Modal Analysis) and ODS (Operational Deflection Shape) were applied and the free forces of the engine were quantified using ICR in-house developed methods. From these measurements a numerical model was generated which allowed an in-depth study of the vibro-acoustic behaviour of the train and its components, thus minimising the need to dispose the train.


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