Multiple participation of ICR in the 3rd Congress of Acoustics of Catalonia
During the commemorative week on noise awareness, the 3rd Congress of Acoustics of Catalonia was to be held, specifically on April 28th and 29th. Due to the declaration of the state of alarm decreed by the global pandemic caused by the Covid-19, the Congress had to be postponed until October. The new dates proposed by the organization are October 14th and 15th, keeping the same venue in Sant Cugat del Vallés (ESADE-Creapolis). Even though the Congress has had to be postponed, all the activities initially proposed have been maintained.
As in other editions, the Congress will include different activities for debate and reflection, such as Dilemmas or Challenges. The organization of the Congress has wanted this year to introduce new, more technological themes to address the challenges/dilemmas, and it is for this reason that ICR has decided to participate by proposing a dilemma.
The dilemma presented is entitled: "R+D+i in acoustics as an added value in the project of creating a new product", which will take place on Wednesday 14th October at 11:30 am in the Auditorium of the venue.
In this presentation we want to talk about the importance of applying R+D+i in the process of creating a product. Usually, noise and vibration requirements, in the industrial field, are rarely identified as a need in the process of designing a product and usually appear as a problem once it has been developed. The integration of this need into the design process, together with the relevant R&D, allows for an increase in the added value of the product, reducing costs and differentiating the product from the competition.
During the discussion of the dilemma we will be accompanied by 3 speakers from different companies in the industrial sector, where they will explain their experience in the world of R+D+i applied to acoustics and vibrations. The speakers who will accompany us are:
- Joan Sapena: Acoustics Core Competence Network Leader - Acoustics Chief Engineer at Alstom Transport
- Lluís Cortés: R+D Acoustin Engineer at HP
- Eduard Otín: CEO of Teccon Evolution
Each speaker will present their own experience in the application of R&D&I in their companies, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of applying it or not.
On the other hand, we would also like to highlight that on Thursday 15th October, the CEO of ICR, Mr. Francesc Xavier Magrans will hold the closing ceremony of the Congress, with a conference on "The adventure of acoustics... and vibrations". The conference will take place in the Auditorium at 13:30 h.
We encourage you to register for the Congress, which is completely free, through the following website: