ICR was founded in 1995 by experts in the field of automotive vibroacoustics. From the beginning it adopted as its motto "The science of silence", understanding acoustics and vibrations as fields of science in full evolution.


Throughout its history, ICR has focused its activity on the development of test and calculation solutions at the technological frontier, always with the aim of solving real problems with practical solutions.


The hallmark of his style of work is an absolute transparency that is certified by publishing his methods in magazines of international level.


His contracts with multinationals to which he transfers his test and calculation methods are recognition of his success. CAF in Spain, Alstom in France, Hyundai in Korea or CSR in China bear witness to this.


Currently, its alliance with the multinational China Ts-Tech has allowed it to consolidate its presence in the international market.



"Roll2Rail: Alstom Transport and CAF, Railway Construction and Auxiliaries". A research study is being carried out at European level on the separation of the noise radiated by the infrastructure from the noise radiated by the vehicle, using the ATPA method. An accuracy of 0.3 dBA was obtained in the estimation of the noise radiated by the infrastructure.