ICR+ is a dedicated service of acoustic-engineering expertise that ICR provides for client projects. Their team of vibroacoustic engineers engage in fieldwork at client facilities, assembling raw data and adapting working methods tailored for our client’s requirements.
ICR+ is able to supply 24HR technical support to our field teams, while every team engineer receives up-to-date training on all our revised techniques and methods.
With our ICR+ vibroacoustic service, we can also provide individual experts to work on behalf of our clients, integrating them into specialised teams without our clients needing to hire additional staff, while also giving added value by supporting them company-wide with our extensive network of experience and knowledge.

Integration of acoustic engineering services
The services provided cover every stage of a project:
Offer phase: Specifications, predictive calculations, etc.
Design phase: Acoustic and vibration studies, experimental tests, sound and vibration measurements, solution design, etc.
Supplier track phase.
Approval phase: Verification of the vibroacoustic results obtained for the final product.
 ICR+ services offer:
– RIGOUR: using constant feedback, ICR are able to instil the same rigor and excellence demanded for every client.
TRANSPARENCY: ICR+ provide full transparency on our methods and procedures, ensuring clients are always able to make the best decision.
PROXIMITY: our working model demands that we track and closely monitor every project, and in doing so, provide an optimal, personalised service with trusted responses and fast turnaround times.
CONFIDENTIALITY: ICR guarantees confidentiality by ensuring their services are discreet and any sensitive commercial data restricted to key personnel, thereby guarding against competitors.
With the services of ICR+ you will obtain:


Experience and knowledge: professional experts in acoustic and vibration engineering services, with a sophisticated understanding of the most advanced applications on the market.
Quality and diligence in our analysis.
Commitment: our experts are trained to adapt to the pressurised working requirements of our clients, and have consistently shown the drive and dedication needed to get the job done.